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Small Accelerators, 24 May 2005 - 02 June 2005, Zeegse, Netherlands
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Hotel Golden Tulip Drenthe
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School administrator(s):
Barbara Strasser
Special Relativity (C. Prior - RAL, Oxford Univ.)
1.4 MB
Transverse Dynamics I, Beam Lines (A. Lombardi - CERN)
980.12 KB
Longitudinal Beam Dynamics and Stability I+II (J. Le Duff - LAL-Orsay)
814.42 KB
Space Charge I + II (L. Palumbo - Rome Univ. "La Sapienza")
1.22 MB
Introduction to Electrostatic Focusing (F. Hinterberger - Bonn Univ.)
480.98 KB
Transverse Dynamics II, Emittances (D. Moehl - CERN)
1.64 MB
Beam Formation I, Electrons (P. Spaedtke - GSI Darmstadt)
15.61 MB
Beam Formation II, Ions (P. Spaedtke - GSI Darmstadt)
22.34 MB
Beam Formation (text) (P. Spaedtke - GSI Darmstadt)
18.98 MB
DC Machines (F. Hinterberger - Bonn Univ.)
1.89 MB
High Voltage Engineering (E. Gaxiola - CERN)
4.27 MB
Linacs Beam Dynamics (N. Pichoff - CEA Gif-sur-Yvette)
603.69 KB
Differences between Electron and Ions Linacs (M. Vretenar - CERN)
925.57 KB
RF for Linacs (E. Jensen - CERN)
6.38 MB
RFQ (A. Lombardi - CERN)
1.12 MB
Beam Dynamics for Cyclotrons I + II (F. Chautard - Ganil France)
1.32 MB
RF for Cyclotrons (P.Sigg - PSI Villigen)
4.9 MB
Magnets for Cyclotrons (S. Zaremba - IBA)
1.99 MB
Extraction and Injection (W. Kleeven - IBA)
2.05 MB
Synchrotrons (M. Benedikt - CERN)
1.34 MB
Beam Diagnostics I + II (U. Raich - CERN)
3.83 MB
Radiation Safety (W. Ruehm - Muenchen Univ.)
4.9 MB
Laser Acceleration - Tiny Accelerators (M. van der Wiel - Eindhoven Univ. of Technology)
1.1 MB
Vacuum (O. Groebner - CERN)
757.64 KB
Beam Cooling (H. Danared - Manne Siegbahn Lab. Stockholm)
977.32 KB
PET (A. Paans - PET, Groningen)
4.8 MB
IMRT Part I (A. Van't Veld and I Hoveijn- AZG, Groningen)
2.76 MB
IMRT Part II (A. Van't Veld and I Hoveijn- AZG, Groningen)
376.42 KB
Industrial Applications with Electrons (M. Cleland - IBA)
4.55 MB
Ion Implanters (J. Lindner - Inst. fuer Physik, Augsburg)
6.1 MB
Surface Analysis (A. Denker - Hahn-Meitner-Institut, Berlin)
2.56 MB
Future Trends (D. Vandeplassche - IBA)
1.21 MB
AMS (J. Van Der Plicht - Centrum voor Isotopen Onderzoek, Groningen)
5.14 MB
Poster session
FORMICOLA Alba, Laboratori Nazionali del Gran Sasso (The LUNA II 400 kV Accelerator)
231.23 KB
HAMPEL Robert, TU Darmstadt (New Discretization Scheme for Wake Field Computation in Cylindrically Symmetric Structures)
83.08 KB
KOMOROWSKI Peter, Accel Instruments GmbH (Compact Superconducting 250 MeV Cyclotron for Proton Therapy against Cancer P1)
247.42 KB
KOMOROWSKI Peter, Accel Instruments GmbH (Compact Superconducting 250 MeV Cyclotron for Proton Therapy against Cancer P2)
186.32 KB
MÜLLER Axel, TU München (A 30-keV Proton Accelerator for Particle-detector tests)
279.45 KB
SAMRAOUI Khalid, Faculté des Sciences Ben M'sik (Correlation between the Total Destruction Cross Section of the Clusters)
206.17 KB
SCHNEPP Sascha, TU Darmstadt, Institut TEMF (Investigation of an Origin of Numerical Noise in PIC-Codes)
115.02 KB
SOHANI Moslem, KVI (TRIuP - A Facility to Produce and Trap Radioactive Isotopes)
1.2 MB
STEINER Bastian, TU Darmstadt (Simulation for a New Polarized Electron Injector (SPIN) for the S-DALINAC)
265 KB
STETSON Jeffry, NSCL Michigan State University (Experimental Comparison of Elctrostatic and Magnetic Solenoid Focusing)
170.43 KB
TABAN Gabriel, Eindhoven University of Technology (An Ultra-Bright Cold-Atom Electron Source)
712.69 KB