
After 12 days of intense lectures, diverse visits to the industry and research centers, and continuous and changing hands-on exercises, we are happy to announce the successful completion of our recent CAS course in the Netherlands

The CERN Accelerator School holds training courses on accelerator physics and associated technologies at different levels for physicists, engineers, technicians and students. The courses take place in different member states of CERN and consist of a programme of lectures and tutorials spread over a period of one to two weeks.

We welcome participants from all countries world-wide!

Registration is open

Advanced Accelerator Physics | 10 November - 22 November , Spa, Belgium

What's next

Introduction to Accelerator Physics 22 Sept - 5 October Santa Susanna, Spain
Advanced Accelerator Physics 10 - 22 November Spa, Belgium
Basics of Accelerator Physics and Technology 10 - 14 March Ferney-Voltaire, France
Intensity Limitations in Hadron Beams 15 - 27 June Borovets, Bulgaria
Introduction to Accelerator Physics September  
Beam Instrumentation November  


About CAS

Video: Noemi Caraban