Noemi Caraban Gonzalez
Noemi Caraban Gonzalez
CASopedia and comms
Meet our audiovisual director turned producer, who has navigated the globe in pursuit of her passion. Originally from Barcelona, she made her way to the Czech Republic before eventually landing in Geneva, Switzerland as an audiovisual producer for the communication team at CERN.
Throughout her career, she has produced more than 500 videos, contributing to the social media, press, and website materials. She has also worked alongside external producers, demonstrating her ability to collaborate with others to achieve great results. Her exceptional work has been recognized with a Lovie Award for one of CERN's outreach videos, "Collide."
During her tenure at CERN, she pursued further education, earning a degree in Communications and a Master's degree in Knowledge Transfer, where she specialized in the effective dissemination of knowledge through images.
Today, she is working on the CASopedia project and recording lectures at CAS schools. Additionally, she takes care of CAS communications and social media, with the goal of creating and consolidating an accelerator scientists community.