High Gradient Wakefield Accelerators, 11 March 2019 - 22 April 2019, Sesimbra, Portugal




Lecturers contact info

Participants contact info

CAS Secretariat

School administrator(s):

Delphine Rivoiron

Only in the year 2014 CAS organized the previous course on “Plasma Wake Acceleration”, which found large interest in the community. Since this field is very rapidly evolving, CAS is organising again a course on “High Gradient Wakefield Acceleration” in spring 2019.

Following introductory lectures on plasma and laser physics, the course will cover the different components of a plasma wake accelerator and plasma as well as dielectric beam systems. An overview of the experimental studies, diagnostic tools and state of the art wake acceleration facilities, both present and planned, will complement the theoretical part.

The course will be of interest for a wide range of students and staff, working in or having an interest in the field of these new acceleration techniques.

Attachment Size
Opening (Bernhard HOLZER, CERN) 5 MB
Conventional Acc. & their limits I, II (Massimo FERRARIO, INFN-LNF) 7.03 MB
Introduction & hist. overview (Victor MALKA, CNRS and Weizmann Institute of Science) 4.63 MB
Introduction to plasma physics I (Paul GIBBON, Forschungszentrum Juelich) 1.37 MB
Introduction to plasma physics II (Paul GIBBON, Forschungszentrum Juelich) 2.07 MB
Introduction to laser physics (Laura CORNER, Cockcroft Institute, University of Liverpool) 2.07 MB
Laser beam physics (Laura CORNER, Cockcroft Institute, University of Liverpool) 2.1 MB
Laser diagnostics (Laura CORNER, Cockcroft Institute, University of Liverpool) 1.55 MB
Laser driven wakefields I (Stefan KARSCH, University of Munich ) 11.87 MB
Laser driven wakefields II (Stefan KARSCH, University of Munich ) 35.45 MB
Acceleration of e- in a plasma I (Thomas ALEC, University of Michigan) 20.47 MB
Acceleration of e- in a plasma II (Thomas ALEC, University of Michigan) 23.56 MB
Plasma sources I (Jens OSTERHOFF, DESY) 40.65 MB
Plasma sources II (Jens OSTERHOFF, DESY) 50.94 MB
Plasma wake generation (linear) (Zulfikar NAJMUDIN, John Adams Institute for Accelerator Science, Imperial College) 5.28 MB
Modelling and simulation I (Jean-Luc VAY, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory) 14.55 MB
Modelling and simulation II (Jean-Luc VAY, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory) 36.51 MB
Modelling and simulation III (Jean-Luc VAY, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory) 33.73 MB
Injection extraction and matching I, II (Massimo FERRARIO, INFN-LNF) 15.64 MB
Applications (Zulfikar NAJMUDIN, John Adams Institute for Accelerator Science, Imperial College) 19.57 MB
Modelling & simulation hands on I, II (Jorge VIEIRA et al.) 19.01 MB
Modelling & simulation hands on III (Jorge VIEIRA et al.) 4.2 MB
Plasma wake generation (non-linear) & Blow out regime (Luis SILVA, Instituto Superior Tecnico) 93.28 MB
Laser driver propagation in plasmas (Stuart MANGLES, Imperial College London) 4.7 MB
Beam driven experiment (Edda GSCHWENDTNER, CERN) 8.62 MB
Laser driven experiment (Stuart MANGLES, Imperial College London) 7.53 MB
Seminar: Acceleration of protons & ions (Louise WILLINGALE, University of Michigan) 45.13 MB
Particle beam diagnostics (Barbara MARCHETTI, DESY) 2.09 MB
Plasma diagnostics (Jens OSTERHOFF, DESY) 66.53 MB
Beam driver propogation (beams) (Ralph ASSMANN, DESY) 17.2 MB
Beam driving systems (PWFA) I, II (Patric MUGGLI, Max Planck Institute for Physics) 32.3 MB
Electron sources from plasma I, II (Brigitte CROS, CNRS LPGP) 7.85 MB
Dielectrical Acc Structures: Theory (Norbert SCHÖNENBERGER) 8.57 MB
Dielectrical Acc Structures: Experiment (Norbert SCHÖNENBERGER) 16.18 MB
Seminar: Plasma accelerators driven by exotic light beams (Jorge VIEIRA, Instituto Superior Técnico) 12.57 MB
Staging including Synchr. & tolerances (Carl A. LINDSTRØM, DESY) 19.74 MB
Positron Acc in plasmas (Sebastien CORDE, Ecole Polytechnique) 10.42 MB

Some Power Point presentations are avaliable in Indico

Here we present a small collection of photos taken during the course. Every student has been asked before the course to sign an "acceptance form", in which the student agrees that eventual photos might be published on the the CAS website. Any further use of these photos in other social media is out of the control by the CAS team and is not authorized by the CAS.
Nevertheless if a student or teacher finds a certain picture inappropriate, he should contact the CAS team and we will remove the picture immediately.