Introduction to Accelerator Physics, 25 September 2021 - 08 October 2021, Chavannes de Bogis, Switzerland
School administrator(s):
Delphine Rivoiron, Maria Filippova and Michela LancellottiThis Introductory CAS Course represents the core teaching of all CAS courses and also represents the ideal opportunity to be introduced into the field of particle accelerators. This course will be of interest to staff and students from laboratories and universities, as well as companies manufacturing accelerator equipment. The course will focus on various aspects of beam dynamics and will provide an introduction to the underlying accelerator systems. Key topics will be consolidated through a series of discussion sessions and tutorials, while topical seminars will complete the program.
Due to the large number of students during the past issues of this course we have decided to hold this course now every year in autumn instead of the two-yearly rhythm before.
It is recommended that participants register as soon as possible, first come first served as there may be a limited number of participants due to limitations of the hotel facilities.
The first registration until end of August does not represent a full commitment, but rather a confirmation of interest. At the end of August 2021, the situation of the covid pandemic will be reviewed and the course will be confirmed (or not). Only then the registration will become a commitment to pay and to organize the travel.
For this reason: Please do NOT book your travel tickets until the end of August 2021.
As usual we will accept GRANT applications. As big exception this year we will not be able to accept grants for people who will need a VISA. The time of 4 weeks between confirmation of the course and its beginning is too short for the VISA formalities. In consequence we need to ask people with VISA request to wait for the course in September 2022.
Here we present a small collection of photos taken during the course. Every student has been asked before the course to sign an "acceptance form", in which the student agrees that eventual photos might be published on the the CAS website. Any further use of these photos in other social media is out of the control by the CAS team and is not authorized by the CAS.
Nevertheless if a student or teacher finds a certain picture inappropriate, he should contact the CAS team and we will remove the picture immediately.