CAS@ESI: Basics of Accelerator Physics and Technology, 25 June 2018 - 29 June 2018, Archamps, France
During the past years CAS has organized three editions of a basic introductory course on CERN accelerators. This very compact course lasts only for 5 days and is non-residential. The course was intended exclusively for CERN affiliates and the registration was handled by CERN internally. Due to the large success of this course it was decided to hold it from now on every year just before the summer vacation period. It will be organized in collaboration with the European Scientific Institute (ESI) in Archamps ( and it will take place at the ESI facilities. For the next edition a few student places will be made available also to people from outside CERN via the standard CAS registration. For those students three hotels near the Archamps site will be available for accommodation.
The curriculum of the course remains unchanged compared to the past editions: On the example of the CERN accelerators all basic theoretical concepts and the main accelerator technologies are introduced.
There will be no funding grants for this course.
This course is non-residential for CERN participants and registration fee is 250 CHF for the week. For those students who will need accommodation please reserve your room at one of the following hotels (all within walking distance of ESI)