Power Converters, 07 May 2014 - 14 May 2014, Baden, Switzerland




Lecturers contact info

Participants contact info

CAS Secretariat

School administrator(s):

Barbara Strasser
Attachment Size
Introduction and Accelerator Basics (R. Bailey, CERN) 2.83 MB
Requirements on Power Converters (J.-P. Burnet, CERN) 3.25 MB
Definition of Power Converters I, II (D. Aguglia, CERN) 6.37 MB
Active Devices (M. Rahimo, ABB) 15.69 MB
Passive Devices Magnetic (P. Viarouge, Laval University) 1.27 MB
Passive Devices Capacitive (R. Gallay, Garmanage) 5.67 MB
Power Converters and Power Quality I (K. Kahle, CERN) 2.56 MB
EMC (A. Charoy, AEMC) 2.92 MB
Power Converters and Power Quality II (D. Siemaszko, CERN) 1.53 MB
Switched Mode 1 Q Converters (R. Petrocelli, ALBA) 625.5 KB
Switched Mode 4 Q Converters (Y. Thurel, CERN 8.12 MB
Converters for Low Frequency Machines (J.-F. Bouteille, ESRF) 2.06 MB
RF Solid State Amplifiers (J. Jacob, ESRF) 2.05 MB
Long Pulse Converters (J. Eckoldt, DESY) 3.55 MB
Solid State Power Modulators (J. Biela, ETH) 43.39 MB
Power Converter Controls: Radiation Risks & Mitigations (B. Todd, CERN) 11.06 MB
Power Filter Design (R. Kuenzi, PSI) 1.98 MB
Protection and Interlocks (B. Todd, CERN) 7.67 MB
Swiss FEL, the X-Ray Free Electron Laser at PSI (H. Braun, PSI) 7.49 MB
Thermal Design (R. Kuenzi, PSI) 3.72 MB
Design Methods and Tools (T. Meynard, LAPLACE/ENSEEIHT) 9.83 MB
Regulation Theory (F. Bouvet, SOLEIL) 5.88 MB
High Precision Current Measurement for Power Converters (M. Cerqueira, CERN) 1.88 MB
A Review of ADCs & DACs and their Application (J. Pickering, Metron Designs Ltd) 1.13 MB
Controls and Interfaces (Q. King, CERN) 5.36 MB
Simulations (N. Ngada, DESY) 1.76 MB
Power Converters for Accelerators (R. Visintini, Elettra) 6.07 MB
Putting It Into Practice (J.-P. Burnet, CERN) 5.54 MB

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