Ion sources, 29 May 2012 - 08 June 2012, Senec, Slovakia




Lecturers contact info

Participants contact info

CAS Secretariat

School administrator(s):

Barbara Strasser
Attachment Size
Requirements of Ion Sources (Richard Scrivens, CERN) 1.8 MB
Definition of Ion Sources (Richard Scrivens, CERN) 1.24 MB
Theory of Relativity (Christopher Prior, STFC) 5.31 MB
Transverse Dynamics (Bernhard Holzer, CERN) 11.44 MB
Theory of Electromagnetic Fields (Christopher Prior, STFC) 6.15 MB
Longitudinal Dynamics (Bernhard Holzer, CERN) 8.71 MB
Introduction to Case Study (Peter Spaedtke, GSI) 4.48 MB
Space Charge Effects (Nicolas Chauvin, CEA/Saclay) 4.78 MB
Fundamental Processes: Atomic Physics I, II (Magdalena Kowalska, CERN) 5.26 MB
Fundamental Processes: Plasma Physics I, II (Klaus Wiesemann, Ruhr University Bochum) 23.81 MB
Production of High Intensity, Highly Charged Ions I (Santo Gammino, INFN-LNS) 10.01 MB
Production of High Intensity, Highly Charged Ions II (Santo Gammino, INFN-LNS) 16.38 MB
Electron Cyclotron Resonance Ion Sources I (Thomas Thuillier, LPSC Grenoble) 6.28 MB
Electron Cyclotron Resonance Ion Sources II (Thomas Thuillier, LPSC Grenoble) 17.48 MB
Electron Beam Ion Sources (Gunter Zschornack, Dreebit GmbH) 26.99 MB
Laser Ion Sources I, II (Bruce Marsh, CERN) 68.51 MB
RF Ion Sources (Werner Kraus, Max Planck Institut) 13.05 MB
Volume & Surface Enhanced Negative Ion Sources (Martin Stockli, SNS) 10.44 MB
Negative Ion Sources (Magnetron, Penning) (Dan Faircloth, STFC) 40.99 MB
Ion sources for Fusion I, II (Werner Kraus, Max Planck Institut) 23.81 MB
MEVVA Ion Sources (Ian Brown, BNL) 10.67 MB
Other Ion Sources (Pascal Sortais, LPSC) 10.31 MB
Fundamentals of Microwave Engineering & RF Coupling Issues I, II (Luigi Celona, INFN-LNS) 7.5 MB
Technological Aspects: Magnetic System Design (Thomas Thuillier, LPSC Grenoble) 4.14 MB
Radioactive Ion Sources (Thierry Stora, CERN) 4.57 MB
Charge Breeders (Fredrik Wenander, CERN) 3.56 MB
Technological Aspects: High Voltage (Dan Faircloth, STFC) 8.76 MB
Microwave Discharge Ion Sources (Luigi Celona, INFN-LNS) 8.66 MB
Alternative heating Methods (Luigi Celona, INFN-LNS) 1.25 MB
Vacuum Requirements (Paolo Chiggiato, CERN) 5.46 MB
Plasma Diagnostics (Ursel Fantz, IPP Munich) 1.38 MB
Beam Diagnostics (Uli Raich, CERN) 4.67 MB
Modelling and Simulations (Peter Spaedtke, GSI) 26.88 MB
Beam Extraction and Transport I, II (Taneli Kalvas, University of Jyvaskyla) 7.96 MB
Research Accelerator Applications (Roger Bailey, CERN) 5.46 MB
Industrial Applications (Pascal Sortais, LPSC) 6.99 MB
Directions for the Future (Ane Aanesland, LPP) 2.72 MB
Summary of Case Study (Peter Spaedtke, GSI) 232.2 KB
MedAustron Project (Adrian Fabich, CERN) 5.53 MB

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